Lots of Rain!

So this past month of June we have been getting little shower after shower. For a grand total of five inches! It is probably my fault because I have been praying for rain all summer long so I would not have to water my garden. Needless to say the mosquitoes are horrible! We are finally having a respite from the rain with a lovely week of 90 degrees highs! I mean seriously, it only drops down to 80 degrees at night.
Well lets see, what have I been harvesting in my veggie patch? From only two young blueberry bushes we would get about two cups of berries every other day. They are on the way out, but I have one bush that is just starting to ripen, so these guys keep me picking in the garden all summer long!
Getting plenty of summer squash with a ton on the vine waiting to get bigger. Watch out, I left them for three days and ended up with a couple of behemoths! Same with the zucchini. I picked one today that I could not lift up with one hand, the diameter was too large for my little paws. I like to use my zucchini in chocolate zucchini cake. I fry the squash in a pan with lots of butter and pepper.
I planted pole beans again this year. I only gave them a five foot trellis to climb up, well, I think they are about ten feet tall, they just climb to the top and then fall to the ground and keep growing. I am just starting to harvest the beans.
Very excited that I have three cantaloupes. One is growing in mid air. They are starting to crawl up the trellis with the green beans! Sadly, I can never get my watermelon to do anything and my pumpkin vines are dying.
The raspberries I transplanted in the spring are making their comeback. They have beautiful, new green foliage. They should make lot of berries next year.
My flower gardens seem kind of boring right now. Just Purple Coneflowers, Yellow Coneflowers and Russian Sage as the stars right now. Next year I need to add some white daisies.
We did a couple things with some random pavers I picked up from a friend. My husband made a 4 by 8 foot patio for his grill.
 I extended the paved exit off out our sun-room by three feet.

I used a bunch of cinder blocks from around my veggie patch and raised my strawberry pots off the ground,(I hate stooping to pick them). I bricked around my herbs in my herb patch with some zigzagged pavers also in the pile I received. (It was two truck loads of pavers)
So I have been busy. I thank the rain and cooler weather this June for my activity in the gardens. Usually I hit hibernation mode before now. Hopefully we can be this blessed July and August.


Hosta close up

I extended the mower strip along my front bed with bricks.

Ornamental grass and Russian Sage

Weird caterpillar on Purple coneflower

Thread-leaf coreopis

section of my herb garden

zucchini, which is twice this size now

Banana peppers, My husband harvested and made some sort of pickled thing that he canned

Squash plant just starting to produce

volunteer potato

pole beans, which look even crazier now.

Bee balm

Two types of day lilies

This one is a double day lily

Flock of goose neck loose strife

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