It's Been Too Long

It has been almost a month since I posted pictures of my garden. It was in a transition from the end of May until now. Not much of interest.We have been getting sporadic showers and the weather has kept cool. I still try to get out and weed once a week or so. Strawberries have come and gone. Today I noticed the first blueberry on one of our blueberry bushes. I have said it before but the magic of things coming to life thrills me. Almost time for the mid June cut back, some plants you can cut back after they bloom and they will re-bloom. Other plants you can pinch back so in the fall they don't flop over, like asters and mums.

I see this lovely coreopsis outside my kitchen window.

I see these Astilbes outside my bedroom window.

Close up of Astilbe, the little bees love them.

Oak-leaf Hydrangea


So pretty!

Yarrow in various berry shades are blooming. I like these ones because they stand upright. I have an orange and white variety and they just flop over. But the white does look great with orange Daylilies.

These next three pictures are my Bee Balm getting ready to open up. Wait until I post the brilliant red bloom soon. But I love the anticipation.

This is a Knapweed. Pretty flowers close up but the plant really does look like an ugly floppy weed. She will probably go.

Gaillardia or blanket flower. Tons of little bees too.

Wonder where the truffala trees came from? After the pedals fall from my Clematis. I leave these crazy seed heads up because they are awesome.

Lots of things in my veggie patch. Squash, pumpkins, watermelon, cantaloupe, pole beans...

I dusted all my crops today to keep the vine borers at bay. DE safe for food crops.

Mulberries AKA stinkberries leave a mess everywhere and attract bugs. I only have to put up with them in June.


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