While walking down the
winding path through her garden one morning, a gardener stopped in excitement
when she noticed a tiny blooming flower—a purple iris on a short stem.
Earlier that spring, the gardener had moved the
flower out of a cluster of other plants, where it was sadly being choked out
and hidden. She chose a spot along the path were the little iris would stand
out to everyone who passed.
The iris was in full splendor, so the gardener bent
down and breathed in the flower’s delicate beauty and the majesty of her lone
Then the gardener gazed around the flowerbed. A
taller, equally majestic flower of another kind—in the same shade of purple—dotted
her entire garden, causing this little iris to blend in, be lost, and seem
The gardener had failed at allowing the little iris
to shine; her full potential would not be recognized. No one else walking this
path would ever see this little flower, and all the wonder that it is, amongst
the beauty of the entire garden.
But as the gardener looked down at the little, proud
iris, she thought—I did.
I did because I know my garden, and I know ALL my
precious flowers.
The story is the same for mothers. So many times
you’ll feel as though you’ve failed, as if you go unnoticed for all the many
menial tasks you do every day, that you’ll never reach your full potential.
You are just
a mom.
Your family takes you for granted.
Your children couldn’t possibly know all you
Rest assured, knowing that in the eyes, heart, and
mind of your child, you are a super mom.
If you think they don’t notice or care about all
the things you do, you’re wrong. And never forget that we have the grace of Him
who DOES notice us and sees all that we, as mothers, do.
He knows that we CAN stand tall as he brings us to
the edge of the path and lifts us toward the sun.
We are mothers.
We have mothers.
And our daughters will be mothers.
We are that tiny, fragile flower in the Master
Gardener’s hands.
“I see my mother kneeling with our family each
day. I hear the words she whispers as she bows her head to pray. Her plea to
the Father quiets all my fears, and I am thankful love is spoken here.”
I know that a mother is a special person with
unique and divine gifts.
I know that a mother prays for her children and
gives her life for her children. I know that there is no greater calling.
I am a MOTHER.
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