The Seven Must Haves

The Seven Must Haves:

Balance, Passion, Respect, Peace, Sanctuary, Tradition, Simplicity

Many of you have heard of the six B’s, which President Hinckley shared in his 2001 talk, A Prophet’s Counsel and Prayer for Youth. Be grateful. Be smart. Be clean. Be true. Be humble. Be prayerful. Well several years ago I came up with the Seven Must Have’s and felt inspired to share them with you.

Balance: Strive for balance of spiritual, intellectual, physical, social, and economical.
And know that balance can never hold. We are always working to keep life as even as we can. Where one thing levels, then another raises or lowers on the scale. Effort is the key.
“It is much easier for those who have a righteous balance to yield ‘to the enticings of the Holy Spirit’ (Mosiah 3:19).”
“Balance in large measure is knowing the things that can be changed, putting them in proper perspective, and recognizing the things that will not change.”
Living a Balanced Life by Elder Robert F. Orton Feb. 2008 Ensign

Passion: Have passion for something!
It gives us drive. It gives us purpose. We have within us, the ability to create. So be passionate and have purpose.
“Our Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son are creators and have entrusted each of us with a portion of Their creative power.” Elder David A. Bednar, We Believe in Being Chaste.

Respect: Respect for other people, the earth, and God.
Children must respect their parents. Teach children to respect material possessions. We can take nothing we have for granted.

Peace:  We can have peace!
“Peace is to be in the midst of things and still be calm in your heart.” Unknown
“But learn that he who doeth the works of righteousness shall receive his reward, even peace in this world, and in the world to come.” D&C 59:23

Sanctuary: Stand in Holy Places.
Make our homes a sanctuary so we can feel the Holy Spirit. We stand at the door and controls what comes in and out. This includes social media that our children are exposed to.

Tradition: Build up a righteous posterity by example and tradition.
Laman and Lemuel’s traditions influenced their posterity wickedly for 480 years. (Read the Book of Mormon to understand this one.) How are we influencing our posterity? We cannot underestimate the power of righteous tradition in our homes!
Reference the 2008 Worldwide Leadership Training Meeting for more ideas.

Simplicity:  Living a simple life makes things so much simpler!
Cut back on everything unnecessary.
“The so-called ease of modern living can actually become an impediment to gospel living.” Protecting Our Families in the Last Days by Elder Richard J. Maynes of the Seventy

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