The Bees Like Me

This was only some of the compost.
Yesterday I got 1100 lbs of compost for the gardens.  My wonderful husband dumped it on top of my veggie garden area.  
Today I went to work.  First I planted two new blueberry bushes for a grand total of five.  Then I had to move the irises from in front of my mailbox because they grew too tall and move the peonies that were in too much shade.  So I created a lovely new spot for the both of them at the entrance to my side yard.  They are flanked by existing Catmint.  
Then I planted three new plants that I picked up from Lowe's in front of the mailbox.  They are a red neon star Dianthus, blue note pincushion flower and poem lavender wallflower.  All three are drought tolerant so they are perfect for near the road and they are low growing so they won't get in the mail lady's way.  Then I had to plant the rosemary that I forgot I picked up weeks ago. 
 All of them got several nice shovel fulls of compost in their holes.
So as I am planting I notice that the carpenter bees love to buzz around me.  It must be my pink garden gloves or the pink scrunchie in my hair. I hold out my hand and the bee almost lands on the glove.  They are fun to throw things at but you never hit them they just buzz away.  Nate likes to take off his flip flops and throw them at the bees.  They like to burrow holes underneath the fence rails and even under our mailbox.  
So that was the end of my day after cleanup and watering. 
 It was so wonderfully windy that I thought my pinwheels would take off.  They were whirling wildly.   
Anemone in bloom.

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